What Are The Causes Of Increase In Weight ? Tips For Fitness

What are the causes of increase in weight? Know More :

Today, here we are sharing What are the causes of increase in weight ? Weight loss and Tips For Fitness. Let's know about this.
Probably our lifestyle and some bad habits contribute in weight gaining. Many factors can contribute to unintentional and unnecessary weight gain. Poor sleep, sedentary activities, and eating too many processed or sugary foods are some of them. 
What Are The Causes Of Increase In Weight ?

5 Bad Habits To Avoid :-

These habits may be harmful. Our weight increases rapidly. But while losing weight, life is lost. Some of our own habits become troublesome for weight gain.
When these habits become ingrained, we don't realise it quickly. But when we think or it is time to lose weight, we realize that we have some habits, causing weight gain . While losing weight, first we need to know exactly what the habits are as follows.
Here are some of them.
Change your habits and lose weight after reading this article.
1) Harms of eating while watching TV , Mobile contents. Nowadays many people have a mobile phone or T. V. in the office and home .The habit of watching and eating is seen now.
But while doing this, we don't realise that more food is going into our stomach. We eat more while watching TV.
Watching more than two hours of TV a day increases the likelihood of weight gain by 20 percent .
2) Heart a blood pressure related problems also increase by watching sad serials on TV. This causes weight gain .
what are the solutions for this ?
1) Exercise like walking, jumping, stretching, deep breathing while watching TV
2- Watching increases the chances of gaining weight by 20 percent or more sometimes. 
what to do to avoid ?
While watching TV, exercise such walking, jumping, stretching, deep breathing should be done. So that helps in weight control or weight loss.
3) One more bad habit is skipping morning breakfast. Many people have a habit of leaving home hungry in the morning. Some people don't eat breakfast even though they are at home.
Prolonged starvation is a major cause of weight gain. Starving for longer periods depletes the body of nutrients and results in weight gain.
Side effects caused by prolonged starvation a)  Increase in blood sugar level in the body only increases the possibility Due to lack of timely supply of glucose to the brain, temperament becomes irritable If you don't eat for a long time, the stomach remains empty.
Then if you suddenly eat more than that, problems like acidity and laziness start to increase. 

Do's for the weight loss-

If you don't eat for a long time, the plate remains empty. Then if you suddenly eat more on it, problems like acidity and laziness start increasing .
Never skip breakfast, make time for meals and eat at the right time. Also eat light food every three to four hours. Make sure your diet plan. So that the weight does not increase. 
4) Not getting enough sleep
Sleeping late at night and waking up early in the morning also leads to weight gain. Many people do not realise the results at earliest. But it is very important to sleep at least 8 hours a day . 
Disadvantages of not getting enough sleep -
1) -Dinner is not digested
2 ) Insomnia is faced with the disease, the energy in the body decreases and therefore continuously
3) -Feeling tired whole day .
4 )-Brain does not get proper rest due to insufficient sleep , which results in anxiety and depression .
Always try to sleep on time and avoid late night work and dinner. Proper rest and sound sleep is necessary for healthy mind and body.
This helps to reduce weight. No matter how much work you do during the day, more at night.
5) Fast food consumption -
Recently, there are many options like burgers and pizzas. Fast food is the main cause of weight gain. Fast food is high in calories and consuming it leads to weight gain.
Disadvantages of fast food:
Cardiovascular diseases are more common Diabetes gets worse what to do - Eat fast food once a week and in between Do not add more cheese.
Give preference to eating baked fast food over fried foods. But generally avoiding fast food can help you loose your weight. 
"Weight gain is a natural part of life . But in some cases it is remarkable and uncontrolled. To avoid this everyone should maintain a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid the factors which results in increased weight. "

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